Source code for botbrain

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import os
import re
import webwriter

[docs]class BotBrain: BRAINDEBUG = False def __init__(self, microphone, bot=None): self.microphone = microphone = bot self.db = self.ww = webwriter.WebWriter() def _isAdmin(self, username): if == username: return True if self.db.isAdmin(username): return True return False
[docs] def getMicrophone(self): return self.microphone
def _updateSeen(self, user, statement, event): self.db.updateSeen(user, statement, event) def _insertImg(self, user, url, channel): self.db.insertImg(user, url, channel) def __bareSay(self, thing): self.microphone(thing + '\n')
[docs] def say(self, channel, thing): try: s = thing.encode('utf-8', 'ignore') except UnicodeEncodeError as e: print(e) print(thing) return None except UnicodeDecodeError as d: print(d) print(thing) return None outstring = 'PRIVMSG ' + channel + ' :' + \ s.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') + '\n' self.microphone(outstring)
[docs] def notice(self, channel, thing): self.microphone('NOTICE ' + channel + ' :' + str(thing) + '\n')
def _speak(self, user, target, message): if target.startswith("#"): self.say(target, message) else: target = "#" + target self.say(target, message) def _onstat(self, channel): self.say(channel, "Yep, I'm on. Idiot.") def _join(self, usr, message): if self._isAdmin(usr): if len(message.split()) == 3: channel = message.split()[1] extraArg = message.split()[-1] self.__bareSay("JOIN " + channel + " " + extraArg) else: # second word (join #channel password) channel = message.split()[-1] self.__bareSay("JOIN " + channel) def __quit(self, usr): if self._isAdmin(usr): self.__bareSay("QUIT :quitting") print(("quitting as per " + usr)) sys.exit()
[docs] def respond(self, usr, channel, message): # this bit is not a command # TODO (pull this out into a module) if any(k in message for k in (".png", ".gif", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gifv")) and ("http:" in message or "https:" in message) \ or ("" in message and "gallery" in message) or ("https" in message and "" in message): url ="(?P<url>https?://[^\\s]+)", message).group("url") if url: self._insertImg(usr, url, channel) # this bit is if message.startswith(".join"): self._join(usr, message) if message.strip() == ".quit": self.__quit(usr) if message.startswith(".imgs"): self.ww._generate(self.db.getImgs()) # hackish TODO if os.getenv('USER') == 'pybot': self.say(channel, "") else: self.say( channel, "" + os.getenv('USER') + "/img/") if message.startswith(".onstat"): self._onstat(channel) if message.startswith(".speak"): tmp = message.split(" ", 2) chnl = tmp[1] msg = tmp[2] self._speak(usr, chnl, msg)