Source code for db

from logger import Logger
    import MySQLdb as mdb
except ImportError:
    import sys
    imported = False
    if "lite" not in sys.modules:
        print("Could not find MySQLdb and lite is not imported! Erroring out!")

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

[docs]class DB: """ Handles connecting to the database and reading and writing data. Currently supports only MySQL/mariadb, and that probably needs to change. """ age = def __init__(self, bot=None): = bot self.dry_run = False def _open(self): if is not None: dbusername = password = dbname = else: dbusername = "pybot" password = "1q2w3e4r" dbname = "pybot" try: self.con = mdb.connect("localhost", dbusername, password, dbname) except mdb.OperationalError as e: self.dry_run = True, e) print(e) return self.cur = self.con.cursor() def _close(self): self.con = None if not self.dry_run: self.cur.close() # should prevent mysql has gone away errors.. ideally def _handle(self): global cur global age now = if now - self.age > timedelta(minutes=5): self.cur.close() self.con = mdb.connect("localhost", "pybot", "1q2w3e4r", "pybot") self.cur = self.con.cursor()
[docs] def select(self, where, what): try: self._open() self.cur.execute("""SELECT %s FROM %s""") data = self.cur.fetchall() self._close() except BaseException: self._close() return None return data
[docs] def replace(self, where, which, what): try: self._open() self.cur.execute( """REPLACE INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)""", (where, which, what)) self._close() except BaseException: self._close() return None
[docs] def e(self, sql): try: self._open() self.cur.execute(sql) if "INSERT" in sql or "REPLACE" in sql: self.con.commit() self._close() elif "SELECT" in sql: e = self.cur.fetchall() self._close() return e except Exception as e: print(e) self.con.rollback() self._close() return None
[docs] def insert(self, where, which, what): try: self._open() self.cur.execute( """INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)""", (where, which, what)) self._close() except BaseException: self._close() return None
[docs] def updateSeen(self, who, statement, event): self._open() # print "executing REPLACE INTO seen (user_name, statement, event) # VALUES ( " + str(who) + " " + str(statement) + " " + str(event) + ")" self.cur.execute( "REPLACE INTO seen (user_name, statement, event) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", (who, statement, event)) self._close()
[docs] def getSeen(self, who): self._open() if who != "": self.cur.execute( "SELECT user_name, date, statement, event FROM seen WHERE user_name = %s", who) data = self.cur.fetchone() return data self._close() else: self._close() return None
[docs] def insertImg(self, user, url, channel): self._open() if user == "" or user is None: user = "nobody" try: self.cur.execute( """INSERT INTO img (user, url, channel) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)""", (user, url, channel)) if not self.dry_run: self.con.commit() except BaseException:, 'failed to insert ' + url) print("failure") print(("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])) if not self.dry_run: self.con.rollback() self._close()
[docs] def getImgs(self): self._open() try: self.cur.execute("""SELECT * FROM img ORDER BY time DESC""") data = self.cur.fetchall() self._close() except BaseException: self._close() return None return data
[docs] def isAdmin(self, username): self._open() try: self.cur.execute( """SELECT * FROM admins WHERE username = %s""", [username]) data = self.cur.fetchall() self._close() except Exception as e: print(e) self._close() return None return data