Source code for modules.isup

## version 0.1 created by hlmtre ##
## version 0.2 updated by mech ##

import sys
import json
from event import Event
    import requests
except (ImportError, SystemError):
    print("Warning: isup module requires requests")
    requests = object
if sys.version_info > (3, 0, 0):
        from .basemodule import BaseModule
    except (ImportError, SystemError):
        from modules.basemodule import BaseModule
        from basemodule import BaseModule
    except (ImportError, SystemError):
        from modules.basemodule import BaseModule

[docs]class Isup(BaseModule): """ takes a url and determines if the site hosted there is up """
[docs] def post_init(self): isup = Event("__.isup__") isup.define(msg_definition=r"^\.isup") isup.subscribe(self) = ".isup <Valid website using *.com, *.net, etc.>" # register ourself to our new isup event, self) self.url = "" # URL which outputs JSON data """ Example to show json data parameters that can be pulled from with current URL get request: statusCode 200 statusText "OK" isDown false returnedUrl "" requestedDomain "" lastChecked 1557603603861 """
[docs] def handle(self, event): if len(event.msg.split( )) == 2: # Looks for the command and hopefully a valid website (*.com,*.net, etc.) try: """Needed to set user agent so request would not be blocked, without this a 503 status code is returned""" headers = { 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36', } # Takes our static URL and appends your site to the end to make # our get request r = requests.get( self.url + event.msg.split()[1], headers=headers) j = json.loads(r.text) # Converts our JSON to python object # Converts our parameter to a string to compare against our # "isDown" parameter if str(j["isDown"]) == "True": # Once state is determined it will be spit out into the # channel self.say(, "Site looks down; it's not just you.") elif str(j["isDown"]) == "False" and j["statusCode"] == 200: self.say(, "Site looks ok to me; it's just you.") except requests.ConnectionError: self.say("Connection error.")